Waberthwaite Community Action Group
Week 4
More tree planting this week - we planted out an oak tree and a sweet chestnut into our wooded area and we also potted on acer trees and Judas trees into our tree nursery. We will let these grow on to be planted out at a later date.
Also planted today were 5 Queen Elizabeth rose bushes in celebration of the Queen's Jubilee. These form the beginnings of our jubilee garden.
Week 3
This week we have been continuing our tradition of planting a tree each year for every child in Reception - this year we are planting 7 trees. Today we added apple, pear and plum trees to our newly established orchard. Next week we will plant the rest of the trees.
To help us to celebrate Queen Elizabeth's Jubilee.
Week 2
The clear up after the Storm Arwen!
We have used astro turf to carpet the floor area of the seating area on the field and around the trim trail.
We also tidied the mole hills on the field and cleared the mud and weeds from the car park.