Think well; live well; learn well
The staff and governors of Waberthwaite C of E School are committed to supporting the mental health and wellbeing of the whole school community (pupils, staff, parents, governors and the wider community).
We have staff trained in school to support children with their emotional wellbeing and mental health. We have 2 members of staff who are trained in Children's Mental Health First Aid. Most of our staff have also completed Level 2 Understanding Children and Young People's Mental Health.
Our Mental Health Lead is Mrs Isherwood.
Our Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA) is Mrs Kirkbride-Woodend.
Our Wellbeing Governor is John Moffat.
We also have staff trained to deliver a range of programmes including:
Lego therapy
Drawing and Talking therapy
Useful links and resources for families and young people
Getting Support for Mental Health
Having good mental health means that we can cope with the normal stresses in life. With the challenges brought by the pandemic, we may notice that we and those in our family start to feel anxious, angry, overwhelmed or tearful in situations that we would have ordinarily managed without a second thought.
The current situation has brought traumatic experiences, social isolation, a loss of routine and a breakdown of formal and informal support, leaving many people experiencing poor mental health for the first time. It is important to acknowledge that your thoughts and reactions to the pandemic are normal and you are not alone.
Maybe your child is:
• struggling with concentration or listening
• appears more sensitive or is displaying unusually difficult behaviour
• is becoming more distressed and anxious
This could be a response to the current situation and is also a normal response.
An Action for Children study has reported 1 in 3 parents /carers felt out of their depth when it came to supporting their child’s mental health during lockdown. It is important to remember that you ‘can’t pour from an empty cup’ so taking care of your own mental health is paramount to supporting the mental health of your child.
Welcome to the THRIVE model. We want all our children, young people and families to thrive, but from time to time we all have moments where we struggle – regardless of our age! Most children and young people are thriving, however, from time to time, they may find themselves in any one of the other groups which make up the THRIVE model.
We have developed a pathway to help parent/carers (and young people themselves) understand what they might be seeing and feeling and who can help.
Family support

5 – 19yrs Public Health Nurse Service

E-School Nurse Video Clinics run every Tuesday and Thursday and are available to professionals and families. Parents worried about their children/young people and their routines/behaviour getting out of bed, nutrition, exercise and emotional wellbeing can book a video slot to talk to a nurse.
To book an E-School Nurse appointment Telephone 0300 30 34 365
The link for the video clinic is
In addition the 5-19 PH website has information, resources, advice for professionals and parents/carers at
MY TIME Cumbria (Barnardos) Targeted Mental Health support
My Time is part of the CAMHS service provision for children and young people who need emotional health and wellbeing support. MyTime work with mild to moderate emotional health presentations such as anger, anxiety, low mood, self-harm and depression.
My Time is part of the CAMHS service provision for children and young people who need emotional health and wellbeing support. MyTime work with mild to moderate emotional health presentations such as anger, anxiety, low mood, self-harm and depression.
It is possible for CYP and Parents/Carers to make a self-referral to the My Time Service.
Please contact the office, via telephone or email. Families will be asked to complete a referral form, a MyTime Senior Practitioner can offer support with the completion of this form if required. Parents / carers can request immediate advice on the contact details above and a MyTime practitioner will respond as quickly as possible. Upon receipt of a self-referral if the service needs additional information, My Time will contact families directly.
My Time has a daily triage system in place with Specialist CAMHS across the County
Telephone: 01539 742626
If you have any further queries, you can contact our school administrator, Mrs Yvonne Hey, in a number of ways.
Our postal address:Waberthwaite CE SchoolWaberthwaiteMillomCumbriaLA19 5YJ Telephone:01229717664 Email:admin@waberthwaite.cumbria.sch.ukPlease direct any queries relating to Special Educational Needs to: Miss Natalie Sharp (SENCO)