“Everybody should learn to program a computer, because it teaches you how to think.” - Steve Jobs, former CEO and creator of Apple
My name is Mrs Cummings and I'm the computing subject lead.
Our computing scheme in school comprises of Teach Computing from the National Centre For Computing Education alongside Project Evolve for the internet safety elements of the curriculum. This ensures comprehensive, targeted and progressive skill development teaching of the Computing curriculum from EYFS to Y6 and strategically develops children ready for their next steps into a fast pasced, technological world.
Online Safety
What is ProjectEVOLVE?
ProjectEVOLVE is there to support the growth and development of young people trying to navigate an ever-changing online world.
As young people gain more independence and freedom to explore, guidance and support could be considered more important. No doubt, they will be well aware of the latest trends but how will they gain understanding of what is ethical or even lawful when it comes to topics such as image or reputation? Not only that, but how will they know what to do in order to create a positive impact in the world they will be a leading generation for?
The toolkit content is founded on the UKCIS/DCMS “Education for a Connected World” competency framework. It offers engaging and focussed activities written by leading experts to inform children and young people around the important steps forward in their online development.
This covers progression across all strands from Early Years to Year 6 covering Self-image and identity, Online Relationships, Online Bullying, Heath Wellbeing & Lifestyle, Privacy & Security, Copyright and Ownership, and Managing Online Information.