"God used beautiful mathematics in creating the world." - Paul Dirac
My name is Mrs Cummings and I'm the mathematics subject lead at Waberthwaite C of E School. We use the White Rose Maths scheme of work to teach a structured and systematic approach to the teaching and learning of mathematics. We supplement this with lots of real life and concrete activities.

Class 1 2024
In maths Year 1 have been exploring 2d and 3d shapes and patterns and EYFS have been considering circles and triangles and position and language. We have had a great time learning and exploring through play!
We have had our chocolate topping and sprinkled on our ice cream from the ice cream parlour. We have had Evelyn sitting inside the chair they have built in block play. We have had 6 clices of pepperoni on our pizza from the take away.
Class 2 2024
Class 3 2024
If you have any further queries, you can contact our school administrator, Mrs Yvonne Hey, in a number of ways.
Our postal address:Waberthwaite CE SchoolWaberthwaiteMillomCumbriaLA19 5YJ Telephone:01229717664 Email:admin@waberthwaite.cumbria.sch.ukPlease direct any queries relating to Special Educational Needs to: Miss Natalie Sharp (SENCO)