This year, 2022-23, our dyslexia ambassador is Max. Max and his Mum came into school to deliver a presentation written by Max all about what it is like to have dyslexia.
Max is happy to talk to other children who have dyslexia and provide some top tips and advice; to talk to children who do not have dyslexia about what it is like to have the condition and how they can support those who do and also to the staff to enable us to support all of our children in the best way that we can.
We are so proud of you Max - you have taught us all so much!
The below powerpoint was written by our pupil dyslexia-friendly ambassador. It details life with dyslexia and they presented this to all children in Classes 2 and 3 and at a staff meeting to give a greater understanding into how dyslexia affects them in day to day life and what we can do as a school community to support all people with dyslexia.

If you have any further queries, you can contact our school administrator, Mrs Yvonne Hey, in a number of ways.
Our postal address:Waberthwaite CE SchoolWaberthwaiteMillomCumbriaLA19 5YJ Telephone:01229717664 Email:admin@waberthwaite.cumbria.sch.ukPlease direct any queries relating to Special Educational Needs to: Miss Natalie Sharp (SENCO)