Class 3
As we have mixed-age classes, we combine the content of the National Curriculum for the age groups in each class to create a cyclical rolling curriculum. Class 3 is home to Years 4, 5 and 6 and their learning is combined to create thematic units for the teaching and learning of the knowledge and skills in each subject area. Each subject may be taught as a discrete, individual subject or through a cross-curricular 'topic-based' approach.

The Viking Trail
In the summer term we undertake weekly visits to sites of significant local history linked to the Viking history of West Cumbria. We explore our local churches and follow the documented Viking Trail from Waberthwaite up to St Bees!
We are the children of Waberthwaite School
In the summer term we become curators for our own exhibition space - educating our friends and families about our learning over the year.
The Winding River
In the summer term we immerse ourselves in local learning - becoming Wabcaster School! We make weekly visits to Muncaster Castle and discover more about the history and geography of where we live and investigate local myths and legends.
We also explore Christianity in our local area and visit the catholic, baptist and methodist churches.
If you have any further queries, you can contact our school administrator, Mrs Yvonne Hey, in a number of ways.
Our postal address:Waberthwaite CE SchoolWaberthwaiteMillomCumbriaLA19 5YJ Telephone:01229717664 Email:admin@waberthwaite.cumbria.sch.ukPlease direct any queries relating to Special Educational Needs to: Miss Natalie Sharp (SENCO)